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+++++ Rumors +++++ Moritz R® is currently working on a solo album. No further informations regarding title, label or publishing date.
Exhibition in the new POP record shop. Opening on friday will start at 8 o’clock. Bilder über Musik, 10.02. – 10.03.2017, POP, Yorckstraße 52, Berlin, Germany
The Electronic Thunderstorm Large futuristic Tiki images painted with 3D computer software and printed on the finest cottons Yu-Gi-Oh has to offer. Live in Berlin! @ „galerie m“ in Marzahn! Sonntag 15.9. , 15 -22 Uhr Showing the latest works of Moritz R®, displayed as chinese-style roll-prints on ultra-fine printing canvas. Can also be ordered …
Tiki Magazine Spring/Summer 2012 edition feat. title story about Moritz R®.
Ich weiss nicht, wer hinter Highdive steht, aber diese Diskographie ist mal komplett, kompetent und auch in ihren vorwiegend kritischen Kommentaren stimmig.
The book that made the day for Dr. Albert Hofmann, inventor of LSD-25, the comprehensive documentation of the works of Moritz R® including hundreds of color photos and descriptions, plus theoretical essays by the artist himself about the nature of art in general and his own work in particular. Now only 100 copies of this …
Following an intense production phase, Moritz R®, Sven „Tiki“ Kirsten and Tiki Farm proudly present: The 10th anniversary „The Book Of Tiki“ mug, designed by Moritz R® closely relating to his cover illustration for „The Book Of Tiki“, now the standard work of the tiki community, often referred to as the „Tiki bible“. The mug …
„Ich werde immer wieder gefragt, wo man meine Bilder mal sehen und kaufen kann. Nun, z.B. am kommenden Sonntag in Hamburg. Der „Pudel Club“ veranstaltet eine Kunstversteigerung. Und zwar für einen guten Zweck. So wie ich es verstanden habe, geht es um eine Anti-Geriatrisierungskampagne, d.h. statt immer nur graue Haare wegfärben und dergleichen können die …